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 how to bring your surrounding into motion - influencing styles

The moment you decide to start talking to people to improve your situation, it is wise to think about how you want to approach them. Perhaps you're a natural in building relationships and finding solutions with others, nevertheless, we all have different preferences. What is yours?

Roughly you can distinguish 4 styles of influencing as you see above in the model:

1) PUSH - persuading: a style based on facts and seeking to overrule someone's arguments using data and reason.

2) PUSH - asserting: a style based on authority where you have position where you determine the expectations and norms.

3) PULL - bridging: a style based on collaboration, seeking help and/or reaching out to others to listen or help.

4) PULL - attracting: a style based on creating a vision of the future that is inviting and stimulating.

Consider the people you want to influence and how they normally communicate. Which of these styles of influence do they have? You can try to use one of the styles to see how they respond or try to use the opposite style than they have in the Push/Pull dynamic.

For example: for a supervisor that has a higher position and also uses an asserting style (PUSH) it would be wise to try a more bridging or attracting influencing style (PULL), by asking her for help: tell her you are unsure how to handle something or create an image of the future you are pursuing and how she could fit that picture.

using influencing styles can harm your authenticity, unless you keep it authentic

Consider for yourself what your natural influencing styles are. In your communication it is wise to stay as authentic as possible, while remaining aware of the person in front of you. If you have difficulty understanding your own natural style of influence, this very simple test might be helpful to get a direction where your natural preference lies.

plan a session with us to reflect on your style

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