Individual Guidance

The guidance I bring you

To move from exhaustion and feeling overwhelmed to a sparkling energy.
In touch with yourself and what you feel called to do in life.

Being Yourself

We walk through life in the footsteps of our parents and family. Of our teachers, fellow students and coworkers. We walk paths society has taught us. Though you may wonder: is this really what I want?

To wonder who you are, is part of waking up. You realise, that the old you, your old life, is not the real you. All you have studied, how you have been shaped and formed, it isn't the full picture.

Sometimes this realisation coincides with personal crises, where life takes painful turns or emotional experiences happen in your life that have made you wake up to this realisation. Who am I really?

Allow me to guide you in your waking up process.

Let's discover the real you.

Feeling Balanced and Calm

Thoughts, emotions, physical pains or tiredness. Some come and go. Other stay or keep coming back.

When they become repetitive, overwhelming or limiting in the joy of your life, you can start seeing them differently. Maybe they are signs. Signs of something deeper asking attention.

  • Any kind of pattern of physical discomfort or bodily sensations, are a sign of your body trying to tell you something.
  • You can make sense of the emotions that are trying to speak to you.
  • Your thoughts, with all their opinions, they can bring chaos but also learnings.

I can help you connect to them and discover the wisdom and beauty beyond the pain and discomfort.

Follow Your Calling

Much of my lifetime I have been searching. Who am I? What am I to do here? What is my mission?

For a long time I have coached people in helping them find purpose. Telling myself, that was my mission. And that's what often happens. We tell ourselves something we can believe that makes sense. Something that gives purpose.

First we need to clean your glasses. Wash your eyes. Clear out your brain. Before you can actually see well.

Our vision is blurred by old information. The wants and needs of our ego. Our mind that is too active. That tells you what to do or what you need. It keeps you away from seeing or hearing your calling clearly.

Allow me to guide you to step into your destiny. To clear some space in your mind and heart. So you can see clearly: what is calling you at the horizon?

Let's have a walk or plan a free intake to meet each other and see if I can guide you in your journey.

What people say about me

What I practice

Existential Coaching

Who am I? Why am I here? What am I good at? Existential questions you ask yourself, to find value and meaning. With existential coaching we search for your core of values, what drives you the most. And the lesser the mind is involved, the better ;)

Voice Dialogue Therapy

Voice Dialogue Therapy is a method that balances your ego and the subpersonalities that drive your thoughts, desires and behaviour. Extremely helpful to sense and rebalance overwhelming feelings and repetitive or even dominating lines of thought.

Nature-based Coaching

We use nature to interact with you and give input on your path of growth. Exploring relationships with natural constellation exercises. Being in nature, anything can happen, and often these are meaningful interventions where nature actually is as much a guide as I am for you.

Energy Illumination

Some setbacks in life need more than psychology or a coaching method. What you are experiencing is rooted as a pattern in your system of life. Through this embodied practice of breathwork, chakra cleansing and energywork you can clear the pattern. A practice that is deeply cleansing and accelerates your progress faster then coaching sessions.

Soul Retrieval

Traumatic experiences in life happen. You probably don't remember them, but often, especially in a child's eyes, they have been considerable experiences. In those moments it can happen that you say: 'never again'. You make a new contract, a contract that pushes away a bit of your soul. A bit of yourself and your lifeforce. Through soul retrieval you bring back that lost soul part and make yourself whole again.

Ancestral Empowerment

What happens in your life can be an echo of the past. If you regard the lives of your parents, grandparents and ancestors, which events are repeating themselves in your life? There might be repeating patterns of health, money issues, relationships or life events. Through ancestral healing, you can detach yourself from these patterns, keep the powers and beauty they hold but release the suffering and pain you have carried too long.

Destiny Retrieval

If you keep living like you are living right now, you are certain to head for a future that mirrors your current way. Do you feel that way calling you? Or is there a different path for you? Something you have always dreamt of when you were young? Through destiny retrieval we can download your deepest potential from a field of possibilities. If you would really cut the ties with your current way, what beauty would be possible?

Shadow Work

Intense emotions or reactive behaviour often comes from oppressed shadow parts. Also people that trigger or aggravate you, often mirror your shadow parts. Shadows are the parts of you that are hidden. Pushed back into your subconscious. Into the basement of your being. These parts of you never received appreciation, were disliked or punished. Through Shadow Work you can retreive these parts and become more whole, which is very blissful experience.

Power Retrieval

It can happen that, somewhere in time, you gave away your power. A person you admired, a teacher, guru, lover or parent. By admiring their knowledge or skill and putting them on a pedestal, subconsciously you are denying your own power. Through this retrieval, you will get back your own power. It will grow your self confidence, feeling able in life, feeling powerful instead of small and powerless. It will help you reclaim your spot in life and stand your ground.

Taming the Stress System

When chaos and crisis hits, there is hardly space for healing. You are in a fight or flight state. Rocking your world when everything is upside down, isn't a smart thing to do. What could help in such moments, is to calm the system. Calm your mind, reduce the activity of your energetic system and your emotional state. This is a very loving procedure that tames all your chakra's and you can support it with meditation and tender selfcare.

Let's connect

I would love to meet you and see if I am the right person to guide you.

Send me a message
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