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find a perfect job

They do exist, perfect jobs. If you know what conditions favour you and your way of working. If you know what you value most. What energises you and what makes you eager. Here is a framework that helps you gain that overview and choose the job that fits you best.

Write down the situations you remember where you felt most useful. They can be at work or in any project or job you did. Think of experiences where you felt you could really contribute to something meaningful, where you felt fulfilled with what you were able to contribute or bring about with your actions.

Write down how you would describe your own personality. All the things that characterise you and how you are in the working environment. The typical traits you have and your way of working. If you feel lost here, try doing a personality test that can help you on your way.

Write down what you value most at work. These are things that are really important to you at work and you will flourish more and more in an environment that honours the same kind of values as you do. Here is another free tool that might help you to find your values.

Write down what your energising strengths are. They are your natural drive. When you use your strengths in tasks or projects, you will feel energised, focused and positiviely challenged to contribute as best as you can. I use the Strengthscope® method to assess people's strengths at work.

Write down the topics that make you eager to act. The conversational topics during parties or news items that make you curious to study it, take action or gain experiences. They can be completely far from your working expertise, but they do inspire and motivate you.

Finally, look at the overview of everything you wrote down and determine what kind of activities would fit with your profile. Think of projects, job roles, specific tasks. Avoid thinking in known or fixed jobs. Rather play with aspects of work that would really fit and start describing activities from that perspective.

This framework helps you gain new perspective on the job that would fit you best. With this framework you have a sort of checklist you can use when searching for jobs. To see whether or not the job would really fit with the person that you are.

That doesn't mean it will be easy to realise it and find that fitting job. This often requires a period of exploration, trying out projects and job roles, maybe some volunteering to gain experiences and evaluate what works best for you or expand your network in a new working environment you want to step into.

If this is challenging for you, consider following the basic coaching program I offer. Read more about it by clicking the button below.

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