Retrieve your innate power and natural connection of soul
In my practice in Amsterdam we dedicate a full day to a life theme, to release any blockages, heal wounds and empower you fully.
Join me in the hills of Sardinia for a 3-day Solo Retreat. A deep dive into your own healing and growth, in a place of sun and beautiful nature.
A series of 8 retreats to re-affirm your power in life. Join us in the Netherlands for these retreats to connect to the forces of nature.
Retreat into myth and travel to ancient sites around the world to discover their mysteries and develop yourself in your shamanic abilities.
* you will be guided to the website of the Sacred Arts of Templekeeping where you will find more information about these retreats.
We all need moments to step out of our usual surrounding and known habits. Disconnect to reconnect. To descend from the mind into the body and rise up to the level of the soul.
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