Welcome to my website. Have a look around to see if you can find what you are looking for. If I am the right guide for you right now and which development and new experiences you can acquire with me. Hope to meet you soon.
Life has brought me all kinds of challenges. At work, at home and in the world around me. In my relationships or the places where I lived. I see the world as a mirror of what lives inside us. Life triggers us, stirs emotions, brings chaos or crisis. It means something inside is trying to show us something.
Pieces of ourselves that need healing, a direction in life that needs a u-turn or simply a big challenge to learn from and transform the wound into wisdom.
All that I used to avoid, what I didn't want, what I judged or feared, were my greatest lessons in life, were things where the greatest healing took place, for myself and the others involved.
Life is a great opportunity to heal, gain wisdom, experience life not from suffering or drama, but from wholeness and grace. Life gives you these opportunities to make a u-turn.
Episode 1:
Life events, burnouts, what do they mean?
Episode 2:
What lies hidden in your subconscious?
Episode 3:
About shamanism
In 2015, I founded U Turn - Coaching & Training as a way to channel my wish to coach people in discovering and using their talents. In finding their purpose.
Ten winters, many lessons and experiences later, I am shaping my purpose as a guide for people to regenerate themselves and all that surrounds them.
The world is showing a time of great change. Eight billion souls are expressing themselves collectively and crises are roaming the world. Let us face our own crises, so we can step into the world differently and contribute as a light, not an addition to the darkness.
Through U Turn I guide people in their process of becoming and train earthkeepers, templekeepers and people of medicine to help the world regenerate.
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