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A practical model to achieve positivity

Sometimes we feel stuck in situations at work or private life, in which we don't see the possible changes or other approaches available to solve situations. We are in the so-called "Path of Limitations". This path is paved by the challenges we face and they trigger our fears, inabilities and insecurities. These challenges turn our focus on our weaknesses, failures and the internal politics or gossip at work. Staying on this path isn't fun and can eventually bring us to a feeling of hopelessness.

By changing your mindset you can get back on the "Path of Possibilities". Focusing on your personal strengths, the opportunities that situations give and how you can co-operate with others, creates a new wave of energy and motivation to solve a situation. You can see possibilities again and eventually feel a sense of hope.

Positive emotions at work have shown to have an impact on employee engagement, performance and creativity & innovation at work.

Check the video below made by StrengthsPartnership, which explains the Path of Possibilities. This is one of the models I use in coaching.

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